Enrich Education program

Various activities of Enrich Education program run under AHDO organization are being implemented in Piarpur union of Daulatpur upazilla and Dharampur union of Bheramara upazilla. Education service is one of these services. In addition to government primary schools, various NGOs have been playing an important role in increasing the rate of education and providing sustainable education. AHDO is one of them. There are many educational support centers in the unions.

The ENRICH education component primarily seeks to address the problem of drop-out of children from primary level education. This is implemented in Juniadha union; and this service is available to all the households in all the union. Under this component, at least students up to Class 2 are helped in the educational assistance centres to prepare the next day’s tasks, given that there are no facilities and educational support for many students at their homes. These centers operate from 3PM to 5PM every day except Friday. Children come to these centers after attending their regular schools.

Children are not only helped with their studies but also assisted in extra-curricular activities such as recitation of poems, dance, singing etc. Also, the children are treated in a friendly manner. They therefore find these centers very attractive to attend. In addition to studies, annual sports and cultural competitions are organized almost every year to develop the talents and thinking of the students so that they can be aware of their own culture and sports and are attracted to them. When a child participates in a competition, his self-confidence increases. If we analyze the history, we will understand that most of the athletes and famous cultural personalities of the country have come up from this village.